It is estimated that half of visual impairment and blindness can be prevented through early diagnosis and timely treatment. The CDC recommends you have a comprehensive dilated eye exam to check for common eye problems. If you haven’t had an exam in a while, schedule one now.
Make the care of your eyes a priority just like eating healthy and physical activity. Healthy vision can help keep you safe each day. To keep your eyes healthy, get a comprehensive dilated eye exam: an eye care professional will use drops to widen the pupils to check for common vision problems and eye diseases. It’s the best way to find out if you need glasses or contacts, or are in the early stages of any eye-related diseases.
Start today with information from the CDC Healthy Vision Month website.
Click on the following text to go to the topic.
- Click for Common Eye Disorders and Diseases
- Click for Frequently Asked Questions About Vision Health
- Click for Fast Facts About Vision Loss
- Click for Tips to Prevent Vision Loss
- Click for Vision Loss and Age