Do you prepare for winter weather? The CDC Tips on Snow for Home and Car can help you get ready for the big storm that might come along.
Starting in the fall you can plan ahead, be sure to create a communication and disaster plan for your family ahead of time.

Get Your Home Ready
- Weatherproof your home
- Have you chimney or flue inspected each year
- Install a smoke detector and a battery-operated carbon monoxide detector
- For older adults, keep an easy-to-read thermometer in your home
Read more on these tips by clicking this link.
Get Your Car Ready
- Have maintenance service as often as manufacturer recommends
- Have the radiator serviced, check the anti-freeze lever yourself
- Replace wiper fluid with a wintertime mix
- Replace warn tires and fill low tires to the proper air pressure
- Keep the gas tank near to full
- Keep you car in good working order. Check the heater, defroster, brakes, brake fluid, ignition, emergency flashers, exhaust, oil, and battery
Read more on these tips by clicking this link.
Create an emergency car kit
- Cell phone/charger
- Extra clothes/blankets
- Windshield scraper
- Shovel
- Battery powered radio
- Water/snack food
- First aid kit
- Tow chains or rope
- Tire chains
- Canned compressed air and sealant
- Cat litter or road sat
- Booster cables
- Hazard or other reflectors
- Bright flag for distress
- Road maps
- Waterproof matches and a can to melt snow to drink