Joe Majsak: First TRA Founders Award Honoree

Joe Majsak was both a TRA volunteer driver and member of the Board of Directors. Each week Joe set aside Tuesday and Thursday to drive older adults to their medical appointments. He and his wife, Anne, hosted a summer TRA BBQ for several years, including TRA’s 10th Anniversary. Coming from a long career at Gen Re, Joe made sure that the TRA (then known as WestFair Rides) Board formed a Risk Management Committee, which he chaired.

Joe provided 713 trips to medical appointments and drove 11,300 miles in a total of 803 hours. His innovations included lanyards and ID photos for drivers. After observing some riders struggling with car doors, Joe found card door support handles to provide the needed assistance.

During an earlier interview Joe spoke about making connections with the people he drove.

“We are a family that likes to drive,” he says, “so I knew I’d like the volunteer work, even on a basic level.” What he also appreciated was having a flexible schedule of his choosing, after many years of a busy career. “The autonomy was very important to me.” Joe continued his work with TRA because of the kind people he has met and the rewarding relationships he developed.

Relationships with fellow volunteers have also been an important part of Joe’s experience as a TRA volunteer. Coffees, movie nights and beer-and-wings nights gave him and his peers a chance to talk about their experiences and to share tips and resources with each other.“We have a real connection to each other: the riders and drivers, and the drivers to each other. We’re a kind group, and a diverse group with different backgrounds and interests. But we’re all comfortable talking. We enjoy people, and we all are compassionate. Those things, we have in common.”

Wartburg CEO man in suit with beard speaking at podium
Dr. David J. Gentner CEO Wartburg welcomed guests
Kitty Wynkoop speaking with TRA banner in background
Catherine (Kitty) Wynkoop, TRA President
Kitty Wynkoop speaking at podium
Kitty Wynkoop
assemblymember Chris Burdick declares Joe Majsak day
Assemblymember Chris Burdick declares Joe Majsak day
Linda Travis speaking at podium
Recently retired Board President Linda Travis
Kitty Wynkoop presents award to Joe Majsak
Joe Majsak, Kitty Wynkoop
Joe Majsak standing in front of media presentation of TRA work
Honoree Joe Majsak
Joe Majsak at podium with TRA banner behind him
Joe Majsak accepts award and praises TRA’s work
man in black suit jacket white button down shirt speaks at podium
Joe Majsak at podium
Assemblymember Chris Burdick presents image of check
Assemblymember Burdick presents grant to TRA
three people at event standing smiling at camera
Kitty Wynkoop, Joe Majsak, Anne Majsak
Man in black suit jacket, woman in black sweater and woman in blue dress stand for a group shot
Joe Majsak, Kitty Wynkoop, Board Member Rose Cappa Rotunno
Two women, both wearing glasses, dressed up at event table
Delores Alverado and Board Vice-Chair Hope Miller
Rose, Kitty, Laura, Linda standing for group shot
Rose Cappa-Rotunno, Kitty Wynkoop, Laura Rúa Reidy, Linda Travis
older couple at table
Co-founder & Past Chair Friedhilde Milburn and husband Bob
four people taking a selfie
Laura Rúa Reidy, Barbara Weber, Alan Dindas, Chris Burdick
Three diverse women pose for photo at event
Iman Rehman, Laura Rúa Reidy, Colleen Skelly
group of event attendees some sitting at round table others standing behind them
Attendees and Friends
Woman in black blouse and woman in peach shirt smile at the stand for picture
Karen Schatzel and Sister Marie Barbara
audience sitting at tables listening to presentation
Attendees and Friends

WestFair Rides Has A New Name! Introducing

TRA logo blue green red png