Resources and Safety Tips for Extreme Heat

bright orange sun witih thermometer indicating very hot temperatures.
For Immediate Release:6/17/2024GOVERNOR KATHY HOCHUL


Governor Activates 50 Members of New York National Guard to Provide Assistance as Needed

Extreme Heat Poses Significant Public Health Risk; is the Leading Cause of Weather-Related Deaths in America

Find Cooling Centers in New York State and New York City

Click for NYS Cooling Centers

Click for NYC Cooling Centers

Click for National Weather Service website

Click for the CDC website.

Department of Public Service

NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets 

People at High Risk 

  • Water, shade, and rest are essential to worker safety during heat waves. 
  • The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends employers provide each outdoor worker with 32-ounces of cool, potable drinking water per hour. 
    • When the heat index equals or exceeds 80 degrees Fahrenheit, employers should establish shade areas near where people are working for rest and meal periods. 
    • When the heat index reaches 90 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, standardized rest breaks are an important way to keep workers safe. 
    • Workers should protect themselves from the sun and heat by wearing light clothing, wide brim hats, and sunscreen. 

Workers and employers should also know the signs of common heat related illness, and all new and returning workers should keep in mind that they need to build a tolerance to heat or acclimatize. Workers whose bodies have not had time to adjust to working in the heat are the most vulnerable.

Keeping Safe During Extreme Heat 

Prepare in Advance

Heat Stroke and Exhaustion – Know the Symptoms and What to Do 

  • Heat stroke is the most serious type of heat-related illness and is always an emergency. Call 911 immediately if you or your loved one has a body temperature above 105°, a rapid pulse, confusion, rapid or shallow breathing, or loses consciousness. Try to cool the person quickly using a cool bath, fans and air conditioning while you wait for emergency responders.
  • Heavy sweating, fainting, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, weakness and cold clammy skin can be indications of heat exhaustion, which can quickly escalate to heat stroke without prompt intervention. Individuals should be moved to a cool place, and cool wet cloths applied to the neck, face and arms.
  • Heat cramps in the abdominal area or extremities can be treated by moving to a cool place, gently stretching the cramped muscle and drinking cool water.
  • Additional information, including procedures for athletes and coaches, workers and employers and heat and health data can be found by clicking here on the Department of Health’s Extreme Heat website.

What to Do During Extreme Heat

  • Stay inside in the air conditioning if possible.
  • If you don’t have access to air-conditioning within your home, open windows and shades on the shady side and close them on the sunny side to try to cool it down. It may also be cooler outside in the shade.
  • Identify free locations areas in your neighborhood where you can go to stay cool such as a public library, pool, or mall. Find Cooling Centers in New York State and New York City.
    Click here for cooling centers in New York State.
  • Click here for cooling centers in New York City
  • Drink plenty of fluids – preferably water. 
  • When working in the heat you should drink one cup (8 ounces) of water every 15 – 20 minutes.  That translates to at least 24-32 ounces glasses of water per hour during extreme heat, even if you do not feel thirsty. Drinking water at shorter intervals is more effective than drinking large amounts infrequently. Your body needs water to keep cool. Avoid beverages containing alcohol or caffeine.
  • Beat the heat with cool showers and baths.
  • Take regular breaks from physical activity.
  • Avoid strenuous activity during the hottest part of the day (between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.).
  • Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing to help keep cool.
  • Stay out of the sun as much as possible.
  • Wear sunscreen and a ventilated hat (e.g., straw or mesh) when in the sun, even if it is cloudy.

Never Leave Children and Pets Unsupervised in Hot Cars 

There is a real and severe danger when leaving children or pets unsupervised in a car even when temperatures don’t “feel” hot. At 60 degrees outside, after just one hour a closed car can get as hot as 105 degrees. 

Safety Tips for Children

  • Never leave a child in an unattended vehicle in the warm weather, not even with the windows slightly open or down, due to the risk of heatstroke (hyperthermia).
  • If you see a child in a hot car, call 911 right away and follow their instructions. Emergency personnel are trained to respond.
  • Teach children not to play in or around vehicles and to alert an adult when a friend is playing in a vehicle without supervision. Make sure children understand the dangers of trunk entrapment (suffocation, heatstroke, etc.).
  • Place something you need, like keys, a purse or bag, or your cell phone, next to your child’s car seat so you will remember to check the backseat before you lock the car. Alternatively, place a stuffed toy in your child’s car seat when not in use and move the toy to the front passenger seat when your child is in his/her car seat as a reminder that your child is in the vehicle.
  • Use drive-through services whenever possible while driving with a child in a vehicle.
  • It is vital to recognize the symptoms of heatstroke in children. Symptoms include absence of sweat, confusion, disorientation, flushed skin, loss of alertness, unconsciousness or rapid/shallow breathing.

Safety Tips for Pets

  • Never leave a pet unattended in the car. Like children, dogs and other animals have a harder time staying cool, leaving them extremely vulnerable to heatstroke.

A car can overheat even when the window has been left cracked an inch or two. Parking in the shade or leaving water in the vehicle won’t prevent your pet from overheating, either.

  • According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), young, overweight or senior animals or those with short muzzles or thick or dark coats are most at risk for overheating.
  • If you see a pet in a hot car, call 911 immediately.
  • Recognize the symptoms of heatstroke in pets and take action if you see them. Symptoms include restlessness, heavy panting, vomiting, lethargy and lack of appetite or coordination.

Be Air Quality Aware

  • Summer heat can lead to the formation of ground-level ozone and Governor Hochul recently encouraged New Yorkers to be Air Quality Aware to help protect public health. The Departments of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and Health (DOH) issue Air Quality Health Advisories when DEC meteorologists predict levels of ozone and fine particulate matter pollution are expected to exceed an Air Quality Index value of 100, and considered ‘unhealthy for sensitive groups.’ People, especially those with cardiovascular disease and those who have respiratory disease (such as asthma), young children, those who exercise outdoors, and those involved in vigorous outdoor work should consider limiting strenuous outdoor physical activity when ozone levels are highest (generally afternoon to early evening). When outdoor levels of ozone are elevated, going indoors will usually reduce exposure. Individuals experiencing symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, or coughing should consider consulting their personal physician.

Visit NYS Pools and Beaches 

Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation will open a number of beaches and pools ahead of schedule for mid-week hours next week as a way to help New Yorkers beat the heat. Hours vary by park. View the full list of statewide swimming lakes, ocean beaches and pools for more information. Call ahead to confirm as hours are subject to change.

Click for full list of statewide swimming lanes, ocean beaches and polls.

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation campgrounds and day use areas in the Adirondack and Catskill Parks also provide swimming opportunities. Lifeguards are at DEC’s Lake George (Million Dollar) Beach and Hinckley Reservoir Day Use areas, and other day use areas provide unsupervised swimming opportunities. More information about campgrounds and day use areas can be found on DEC’s website. 

Click for the DEC website.

The following parks will have beaches, pools or spray features available:  

New York City

  • Marsha P. Johnson – Spray Features available M,T,W
  • Gantry Plaza – Spray Features available M,T,W
  • Roberto Clemente – Spray Features and Misters available M,T,W
  • Denny Farrell Riverbank- Spray Features, indoor pool open M,T,W

Long Island

  • Jones Beach – Open M,T,W
  • Robert Moses – Open M,T,W
  • Hither Hills – Open M,T,W
  • Sunken Meadow – Open M,T,W

Hudson Valley

  • Lake Welch- Open M,T,W
  • Rockland Lake- Open W
  • Tallman Mountain- Open W
  • Bear Mountain – Open W
  • Tiorati Lake- Open W
  • Canopus- Open M,T,W

Capital Region

  • Taconic – Copake Falls Area- Open M,T,W
  • Lake Taghkanic – Open M,T,W
  • Grafton Lake – Open M,T,W
  • Moreau Lake – Open M,T,W
  • Thompson’s Lake – Open M,T,W

Southern Tier

  • Chenango Valley – Open M,T,W

Central New York

  • Filmore Glen – Open M,T,W
  • Green Lakes- Open M,T,W
  • Sandy Island- Open M,T,W

Mohawk Valley

  • Gilbert Lake – Open M,T,W
  • Glimmerglass – Open M,T,W
  • Verona Beach – Open M,T,W
  • Delta Lake – Open M,T,W

Finger Lakes

  • Seneca Lake Spray ground – Open M,T,W
  • Sampson – Open 7 days beginning Monday

Western New York

  • Woodlawn Beach- open M,T,W
  • Long Point – Open W

Extreme Heat Action Planning

  • Governor Hochul’s 2022 State of the State directed DEC and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority to develop a plan to coordinate interagency efforts and help mitigate local impacts of increasingly frequent and severe extreme heat events, and to ensure that priority assistance from interagency investments is allocated to disadvantaged communities on the frontline of heat exposure. More than 20 New York agencies and authorities worked together as part of the Extreme Heat Action Plan Working Group to advance strategies to help address the impacts of extreme heat on disadvantaged communities and other New Yorkers vulnerable to the effects of increasingly high temperatures driven by climate change. DEC and NYSERDA are finalizing the plan. 

For further information on how to stay safe during periods of excessive heat, please visit the New York State Department of Health website or the CDC website.

Click for New York State Department of Helath

Click for CDC Website

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