When asked about his volunteer commitment TRA volunteer driver Alan Dindas, with over 10 years experience, had a lot to say.
“For a little over ten years, now, I have been volunteering to drive Seniors and vision-impaired adults to medical appointments all over Westchester County. Over the years I have driven thousands of assignments. The agency I drive for, TRA (Transportation, Resources, Access). formerly Westfair Rides, is a non-profit providing rides throughout Westchester County — and recently to parts of Fairfield County, as well.
Transportation around the County can be prohibitively expensive for people, especially Seniors, who do not or cannot drive. We volunteers pick up riders at their homes and drive to medical (including dental, eye-care, physical therapy, etc.) appointments, wait, and then take them home. If the medical visit is expected to be more than two hours, a “split-trip” is scheduled with one driver “taking” and another “bringing.” I always have my phone, a book, and a newspaper for the wait.”

“Over time, I have been fortunate to drive some of the nicest people you could imagine. They always thank me profusely and, since my wife passed three years ago, I thank them, as well, for “getting me out of the house” and providing a purpose to the day. It really is mutual.
In practical terms, this is really an ideal situation for me because I can take rides around anything else I might have scheduled (like LIRIC events). The way it works is that, after they have registered with the service, riders call the “office” (914-764-3533) at least two days before their appointment and are put on the schedule. Volunteers, like me, go onto a website that lists the requests and decide which one fit their schedule and driving preferences and “Sign UP” for the ride. The volunteer then calls the rider the day before the scheduled ride to confirm plans. Couldn’t be easier.
I would encourage anyone in LIRIC who might have the time and the urge to volunteer to either call 914-764-3533 for more information. The TRA website https://my-tra.org/ also has lots of information. More volunteers are always needed. And, I would also encourage anyone in LIRIC who might need a ride to a medical appointment, or knows someone else who does, to look into the service.”